Furry Collection

Have a special costume for your fursuit? Why not bring it to the runway? “Furry Collection” is an event that focuses on fursuits with costumes.
Business suits, traditional garments, steampunk, cyberpunk… Any genre is welcome. Bring your favorite costume and show it off to everyone!
No advance application is required. Just gather at the starting time and hit the runway!
We look forward to seeing you there!

Day and time

Saturday, May 18th 2024, 11:30 – 13:00
Please form a queue from 11:15


The first runway walk (solo walk only)

The second runway walk (solo or group walk)


Participants must be any of the following:
1.A full or partial fursuit wearing some form of costume. (Examples of costume: business suits, traditional garments, steampunk suits, etc.)
2.A non-suiter wearing a cosplay costume themed of animals or furry characters.

Flow of the program (for participants)

– The first runway walk (solo walk only)

  1. Following the doorman’s cue, enter and walk slowly on the red carpet.
  2. Walk on the right side of the red carpet as shown in the diagram.
  3. There are three posing spots on the runway. You may stop for a few seconds to pose to the cameras.
  4. After the first walk, please rejoin the queue for the second wallk.

– The second runway walk (solo or group walk)

  1. Following the doorman’s cue, enter and walk slowly on the red carpet.
  2. Enter and walk on the right side of the red carpet as shown in the diagram.
  3. There is one posing spot on the runway. You may stop for a few seconds to pose to the cameras.
  4. Once you reach the front of the stage, please ascend to the stage.
  5. The staff will arrange the participants for the final photoshoot. Please follow their instructions.
  6. After all participants have lined up, the group photo will be taken.

*A costume change is possible between the first and second walk, but a simple change is recommended.
*The doorman will cue the first person in line. If you require a cue for everyone in your group, please ask the doorman or staff.

Flow of the program (for photographers)

・Taking photo or video must be done from outside of the red carpet.
・Do not enter the red carpet area.
・There are posing spots on the runway. Please take photos while sharing the space with those around you. (Please check the diagram).
・You may set up a tripod outside the red carpet, but please share the space with others.
・After the first walk, there will be a few minutes to allow for moving cameras.
・Do not unnecessarily lead or pull a suiter who is walking.


・Please follow the instructions of the doorman and staff.
・Camera flash will be used a lot during the event. If you are sensitive to flashing lights, please carefully consider your participation.
・Dangerous items, blades, guns, firearms, items that may harm other participants or the venue, or items that resemble these items are prohibited. (e.g. model guns, imitation swords, etc.)
・Do not violate public morals or the safe conduct of the event. We may refuse your participation if we judge that your outfit is not appropriate.
(Examples of inappropriate outfits: lingerie, underwear, puppy masks, etc.).
・In case you feel unwell during the event, please stop participating and tell the staff.